Friday, February 20, 2015

new season. new blog.

this new season is a crazy one. i moved to a new place. i started a new job. i made new friends. and i am ready and excited for this new chapter of my life.

it is a scary chapter. just over a year ago i prayed a prayer that is still being answered today. i asked Jesus to scare me. i asked him to take me places that were beyond myself and here i am.

in this new job that i have, i mentor 54 missionaries that are on an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries (the world race). i get to go out and see them 4 times during the year.

i just got home from my first visit out on the field. i had an amazing week with them in nepal. as i was out there with them, i realized the weight of what i am doing, of what we are doing.

i realized that we are BUILDING A KINGDOM. this is a big deal

Jesus Christ, the God of the universe ended his ministry here on earth by telling us to go and make disciples of all nations and here we are still doing it over 2000 years later. wow.

it is easy to get caught up in the details and in the "to do" lists, but we have to remember to step back and take JOY IN THE JOURNEY. we need to celebrate the many victories that have been won to get to this point.

a kingdom is being built and we get to take part, this is no small thing.

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